In the beginning, God created and it was good. It was very good (Gen 1-2). Then evil intruded to counter God’s plan. But when evil appeared on the scene, God introduced the promise of Jesus (Gen 3:15) whose death on the cross would save mankind from the cunning evil that sought to destroy all that is good. The battle has raged from the beginning of time to the present day.
History shows that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc 1:9). Nations have come and gone, generally for violation or ignorance of biblical principles for quality living. When even the most powerful cultures embrace evil, they chart the course to destruction. Mighty bygone civilizations have fallen, and in like manner, America is on that path.
The Judeo-Christian ethic that gave birth to this great American Republic makes our country unique. There has been none other whose First Amendment protects its citizens with freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and redress. And whose Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms—a means of self-preservation on many fronts. In America, people can live free, pursue their dreams, and achieve beyond their birth status, unlike any place on earth.
However, we have arrived at a time that may be pivotal in American history, for the stakes in this presidential election couldn’t be higher. Every American should weigh the cost very carefully. The future of America is at risk, but the stark contrast for the president is crystal clear. It is not about candidates, political parties, personalities, or right vs. left. It is about good vs. evil. It is a spiritual battle for the preservation of this Constitutional Republic.
Recent reports claim that millions of evangelical Christians will not vote in the upcoming Presidential election. That would be a tragedy. If Christians sit on the sidelines hoping to expedite the Rapture of the Church, they may not like the consequences. They fail to realize the history of persecution against God’s people: Old Testament bondage and slaughter, the Roman Empire torture, the Reformation, the Inquisition, and the persecution of Christians throughout the ages. The Rapture is certain, and Jesus will come again to establish His throne on this earth, but there is no guarantee that Christians won’t experience persecution while they wait for Christ if they don’t stand against this present evil. We are to work until He comes.
Our Constitutional Republic was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and without active Christians, our nation loses its values. If the Church does not speak out against the pervasive evil seducing the citizenry, evil will prevail. Jesus has given His people an assignment:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matt 28:19-20).
The mandate is to make disciples of all the nations. God created nations and governments. He raised kings and leaders, some who failed in their walk with God, and others who did not even acknowledge the God of the Bible. Some of the most powerful advocates that God anointed to restore His people to their land were pagans. He used their power and wealth to benefit His people because God works through human resources to accomplish His purpose. He cares about the land and promises to heal if His people humble themselves and seek Him (2 Chr 7:14).
Men of faith were provoked to fight a Revolutionary War that gave birth to this nation—against all human odds. Their enemy was a powerful empire that violated their God-given rights. They fled Europe to find freedom, but tyranny challenged them in the new land (just as it does today). However, the pulpits were bold, God was faithful, and faithful men and women prevailed in their fight to live as free people. They formed a government based on biblical principles, but our generation is failing to maintain that Judeo-Christian ethic. Good stewardship includes protecting God’s gift to the world—the United States of America.
This November we are faced with two distinctly different candidates. Both have flaws, but your vote in this election is not about the candidates. It is about the future of America—the America we will leave to our children and grandchildren. Opportunity for the American dream comes with values that honor God. As freedom and prosperity continue slipping away in the face of pervasive evil, we the people must step up and speak up.
One candidate supports open borders and illegal immigration, defunding the police, higher taxes, transgender ideology, climate change mandates, more regulation, bigger government, and more control over the lives of the American people. She also embraces globalism over American sovereignty, and late-term abortion as a woman’s right to choose. She does not support the Second Amendment. She wants to stack the Supreme Court with liberal Justices who will enforce her agenda. She has no experience creating jobs. She is against energy independence, which includes fracking—although now she says she is for it. Her present campaign contradicts her policies of the past several years. Not only has she had 3½ years as VP to implement policies she is now claiming to support, but she also represents the corrupt political establishment pushing us to the brink of bankruptcy and World War 3. These elites are determined to destroy the United States of America, and Kamala has no clue how to restore peace and prosperity. Kamala is about Kamala.
The other candidate, and previous president of the United States, consistently advocates for his proven record. He recognizes the importance of secure borders—necessary for American sovereignty. He embraces free, but fair trade, lower taxes, energy independence, less regulation, and less federal government control, with more governing decisions shifted to state and local levels as expressed in the 10th Amendment of the Constitution:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
His judicial appointees to the Supreme Court will uphold the Constitution. He supports free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. He has experience creating jobs and putting Americans back to work. He is committed to solving the illegal immigration crisis. As a businessman, he understands policies that will reduce inflation and promote American prosperity. He can restore America’s respect in the world and may be the only person on the planet who can calm the threats of war. Trump is about America.
One candidate has proven her incompetence in the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration, while the other has a proven record in his previous term. Kamala wants more government control over the American people. Trump wants to restore the rule of law and governing principles as framed in our Constitution—to give this government of the people, by the people, and for the people, back to the people!
This upcoming election may be the most important in national history. When asked what kind of government the founders created, Benjamin Franklin replied, “A Republic—if you can keep it.” If we continue on the current path, we will surely lose this Republic. Although Kamala promises change, she recently admitted that she wouldn’t change a thing. She has not demonstrated interest or ability to solve our nation’s problems. Trump has a proven record of restoring quality to American life and providing leadership to ensure peace worldwide. Kamala supports an evil Marxist philosophy that destroys freedom. Trump will fight for the American way of life and the liberty secured by the Constitution.
Mainstream media gaslights the American people with partisan Marxist propaganda. Instead of accepting what you hear, do your research. Seek the truth and weigh very carefully, not personalities, but policies and the future of America. It is critical to be informed about the issues:
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15 KJV).
If evil policies prevail in the choice for president, this could very well be America’s last stand!
Ask yourself: Are you better off today than four years ago? Think about it! Get involved—everyone can do something. What will you do to help save your country? Whatever you do, by all means, cast your VOTE in the Nov. 5th election. The survival of America, a leader and beacon of hope for the entire world, may depend on it.
Thank you for your kind words. American citizens outside the country can vote, but they must have an absentee ballot. You can complete the overseas voter Registration/Ballot Request form, a single form to both register and receive your ballot simultaneously. https://www.usvotefoundation.org/overseas-voter-faq
Excellent article! You've laid out what's at stake here in a clear and understandable manner, to the point and I love the scriptures. Can American citizens that are outside of the country vote on this election? Thank you so much.